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Women I would love to &#;know&#;

Real women that I could imagine, and would love, meeting. nnnAs an experiment try to visualise these women in normal life - at work, shopping, walking the dog, etc. dressed normally, no intention to be sexy/sexual, just going about their daily business - focus on their face as that's the constant between their daily life and these images. Would they catch your eye or would you not give them a second glance? If their face would make you look twice, how would you imagine their body to be? Does that match what you see here? Also be grateful to these women who chose to show us their bodies. They aren't models or pros, many probably took a lot of persuading, but they undressed for the camera and for that we should thank them. Which of course raises the question - when they allowed themselves to be photographed, did they know they would end up for all to see on the Internet? I'd argue that any woman being photographed naked in the last 10 or so years would be naive to expect otherwise, whether knowingly or by deceit - either by the photographer or bad actors gaining access to private images. How does a women feel about becoming a very graphical object of desire to unknown men (or women)? They may protest but are they secretely flattered (as most men would be) or is it truly a violation to them? Does every woman have a latent exhibisionist inside them, constrained only by society's morals? I don't know but I'm glad these images exist for us to treasure.